A Long, Happy, Healthy Life!
A long happy healthy life!My own personal goal and journey of living a LONG happy, healthy life.A few years back I began to witness my parent's health declining. Like many, I thought my parents would continue to look spry and remain as active as ever into their elder years. I am being honest when I say I thought my mother would always be that youthful woman, continuing her daily walks around the neighborhood, smiling ear to ear. My father who I am proud to say I get my drive and work ethic is alsoslowing down. It gives me a heavy heartI recently turned 50. Wondering if my "slow down" phase was looming before me.I dream of my future, of "our" future... Finally marrying my Mr Right. I have my sights on spending at least 40 years together.I want to be that woman, happily married to the man of her dreams for 4 decades. Thiswould make me well into my 90's.
I have spent countless hours researching why people live long lives versus why some are taken away too soon by disease, aches, and mental health... I Googled foods, water, plastics, etc. I know I may not be a professional researcher, doctor, or scientist.I am just a person with hope. Hope that I may tap into information that will help me and inform others.BLUE ZONES!What I kept coming back to are the Blue Zones. When I speak of them, I usually get a slight head tilt and perplexed look.Let me break it down as simply as I can.Blue Zones are regions in the world where people live the longest lives, consistently reaching over the age of 100. In contrast, the average life expectancy in the U.S. is currently 77 years ( quoted by the CDC).Talk of these regions has been discussed for decades now. The research on why they live the longest lives seems quite simple. Here is a short list of the major players in their long happy health.
1. Making movement a natural part of your day2 Knowing your sense of purpose3. Prioritizing stress relief4. Eating until you're about 80% full5. Eating plant-based6. Drinking alcohol in moderation7. Connecting with your community8 Putting family (whether biological or chosen) first9. Choosing social circles that support healthy behaviors
I can easily break down these nine things on how and why they are so important but it seems as if that would be a bunch of babbling. We all know these things. The research has always been there. Putting action into play is the key.I think instead let us look at these and dive into why we don't practice them. How we may go about improving our lives and living hopefully longer. Each of us is different so we will all have strengths and weaknesses on this list.I would like to go back to #9 on my list. This is my focus lately...There was a recent article that was published about an 85-year Harvard study.It found that the No 1 thing that makes us happy in life which helps us live longer is:...Positive Relationships... this one can really hit deep for me.Not career achievement, exercise, and diet.It is the people you surround yourself with... Hands Down.
It is proven to affect us emotionally, spiritually, and .... physically. Notice next time you can't sleep because of turmoil over a relationship or the excitement when someone you truly value understands what you are saying...This all has been labeled "social fitness'Our social life needs exercise. We need to take a look at our relationships every now and again, and determine whether we are devoting our time and connections that help us be our best selves.Who keeps us safe?Who encourages us when we take up a new hobby or pursue a new goal?Who knows things about you and still remains by your side?Who do you feel you can turn to about anything?Who makes you laugh?Who can see you cry?
I myself am a people pleaser, saying No is so hard for me as I am sure it's hard for many of you...But the people that can take a No and understand your why are "your people"People that invest in you, they are worth investing valuable time in. Pick wisely, quality over quantity I say every chance I get.Absolutely spend more time with "these" people and perhaps weed out the people that are no longer or never were good for you..I want to keep on thriving so I will continue to research how, continue to keep showing up, and keep on being grateful for all my relationships that add value and longevity to my life.Thank you for being my clients... I don't think I am slowing down any time soon, I love what I do and am grateful for all my amazing guests.
Much love!Dawn Marie xoxo* Of course I would be a fool to think if I did just these things I would be guaranteed to always be happy, staying healthy well into my later years... never fearing that random step off the sidewalk into the front of a bus...Yes to think this would be foolish but I believe that trying my best to live EVERY day as well as I can... well now that is just brilliant!.PS: I will be spending over a week in a BLUE ZONE in May! STAY TUNED!