This page is very special to me. My belief is God gave us all a talent and/or talents… it is our duty to use these talents to give back to the less fortunate.
“Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth”
Every time I cut hair at a homeless shelter, I am reminded again and again of all the things I am so grateful for, small and large. It also taught me a long time ago that I am never in a position to judge… This is God’s role and only His. We never know anyone’s story until we are told, usually when we assume. it’s never the right one. We all can make this world better if we look beyond ourselves and our 4 walls, get out there… give back because guess what… when you give back… you are the one getting so much more in return.
I also am a counselor on a crisis text line. This keeps me grounded on knowing not only what is important in this world but that tomorrow is a new day… we all have bad ones .. let's help one another to get thru them. If I can make just one person feel like they ARE enough… this makes me feel like I am enough!