Ciao, Bella!
After a month of immersing myself in Italy... drinking and eating my way through farmlands, unsettled coastlines and a few days among people to see touristy things, I am home! Refreshed, grateful, blissful, and a little bit wiser... it is so great to be back now that I have made several maybe hundreds... even thousands of memories, Venturing to Amalfi, Capri, Sardegna, Sessa Cilento and Rome, it was amazing to see how Italians live... in large cities, moderate cities and cities that have less than a thousand people, I have many many favorites... making animal and human friends everywhere we went, regardless of the language barriers. Large smiles and hand gestures go a long way...Such a beautiful country with beautiful lovely people!If they say that rain is "luck", I sure have a lifetime of it now... It poured down rain all hours of our wedding day and wedding weekend, following us to Italy for half the time we were there... and now home here in Tacoma, today it is... raining. I don't mind though.. life is great!I can't wait to rev back up in the studio and catch up with all of you!I am booked for most of June and getting busy for July, so make sure you have your appointments for the summer!My work schedule will be Saturday, Sunday, and Monday for now. We are still figuring out the living together "situation". We are blessed to have two homes to choose from that we both love... Seattle and Tacoma. I love my salon and will keep on working out of it for as long as I can... I don't see any change in my work location any time soon..
Thank you again for all the well wishes, text, calls, cards and gifts. I very much appreciate all of them. I apologize if I have not replied back, most my time away was in very remote parts of Italy (which were FANTASTICO!) and my cell had very limited service and limped by... which turns out to be an amazing thing.On some of my trip, I was able to hang out with Centenarians! A rare population of people who reach 100 years of age or more! ( Blue Zone ). Talking with them and seeing how they live helped me take perspective on my life, what I can do differently, and what I may be doing right.
This being said, I am off Social Media for now... Please know I love receiving text messages of questions or check ins any time!
I can't wait to talk about my talks with these "folks" with any of you interested! They are so inspiring to me...I was surprised to find my favorite stay between, Amalfi Coast, Sardinia, Romes, Sorrento, Naples... was a very small "village" in the mountains of the southern-western region: Sessa Cilento! We friended horses, cows, sheep... the cutest barn cat that followed me home and came over every day to get love (and table scraps). The people!! So lovely. We elected not to ever drive 20-30 minutes to the beach but to walk to the town, eating the best homemade pizza ever handmade by our new friend Rosaria who sat down chatted us up in Italian and introduced us to her bestfriend that was eating next us and her entire family... Taking an hour to walk back home, we almost got caught in the best thunder storm ever... So dramatic and gorgeous to watch.. Staying in this town really had me decompressing from our every day news here in the states and letting me see how beautiful the world really is..