Hello Florida!
Sunshine,baseball,outragous wildlife, fast cars= Florida!I am home!During the first couple of weeks of March, I ventured to Florida.I was blown away by how much I loved this state.(The people are sooooo nice!)Whether it was baseball season I was missing or just wanted sunshine, I planned a trip to Tampa to see the New York Yankees play in their training stadium, George Steinbrenner Field.To say I was bracing myself for the onslaught of humidity was an understatement...To my delight, I found that late winter/early spring was perfect on the weather front.75-80 degrees was precisely what my skin needed, and the sunrises and sunsets were also spectacular.
A trip to the ballfield to see the Yankees play the Boston Red Sox, of course.The stadium was just the right size for cheering on all my favorite players, up close and personal...I don't wanna talk about who won THAT game but it was so much fun. It was a perfect sunny 75-degree day!
Looking out across the water from our Air BnB, I was intrigued by the beautiful Sunshine Skyway Bridge. This bridge connects Tampa to St Petersburg, totaling over 4 miles over the water.I had to go across this, and I was fascinated by it.Venturing across the bridge, we came across The Grand Prix race. Curious about the race and the kind of crowd that would be there, we bought tickets.What fun! Who knew I would enjoy this as much as I did?Friendly, fun-loving fast car fans get together to watch cars travel around a track at lightning speeds for 100 laps.Many stood feet away from these race cars whizzing by, like us. Others partied on the other side of the track on their yachts.Staying until the very end, we had ourselves a day...
Florida is full of wildlife. Laying by the pool next to the water, we were visited daily by a couple of playful dolphins.Flamingos intrigued me. If time permitted, I could watch these birds eat, drink, and stand on one leg for hours.White herons were not skittish. Especially in the afternoon, when we sat on the dock and had a small picnic lunch.He ventured closer and closer until I threw him some scraps. He caught one quickly in his mouth and relieved it quickly from the dock. The Yankees should consider scouting him.I hear Alligators and Crocodiles are ubiquitous in the area... Thank goodness we didn't "happen" on any in the wild.
We did go to Busch Gardens. I must say I was pretty underwhelmed and disappointed by the cost and long wait times. But we did make it onto one roller coaster (which I love love love) and a few other key rides.
Some of the things I wish we could have fit into our "lazy" schedule are Disney World ( 90 minutes from Tampa), The Everglades ( 3 hours away), and Cape Canaveral ( 2 hours ).I guess we "need" to go back sooner rather than later...______________________________________________________________________________________________________________My Real Estate World!So many of you have reached out regarding real estate questions... keep them coming.I love the referrals and educating!YES! This market is one of the craziest I have seen. And it just gets crazier. We, as agents, are bracing ourselves for a world of change. Most of you have heard the news reports about Buyers Agreement Litigation. This means that the Agent that is repping a buyer probably( but not 100% yet )will need the BUYER, not the seller, to pay for their commissions ( this all will be legalized -or not- in July ).Inventory is still low, and many buyers waiting for interest rates to come down are getting off the sidelines and looking. This means bidding wars and short times on the MLS once again...
My Salon World!Some of you have said that my schedule is full, not able to easily find near and upcoming appointments.. Yes, I am getting fairly booked 2-3 months in advance. Please try to schedule all your appointments as soon as you know your future schedule. If you do not find a spot, do not hesitate to reach out. I will do my best to find something that works!As stated in previous newsletters, I have gone off all social media. Y'all can still reach out via text or easily book online
AFTER SMOOTHING TREATMENTDon't forget your haircuts in between and during your smoothing treatments for all my beauties that get Brazilian Blowouts and Cezannes. Keeping your hair in perfect shape is key to gorgeous hair.A change in season and hopefully weather soon, you may want to consider changing up your hairstyle as well. I can customize the perfect coiffure for this stage in your life and lifestyle._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thank you for reading my blog...Let me leave you with a quote by Mo Gawdt ( whom I have been reading a lot of and would encourage all of you to check out as well... )https://www.mogawdat.com"Every time you examine your thoughts, you'll notice that whatever you're upset about is rooted in a past you cannot change or a future that may turn out to be completely different from what you expect. You may as well let the past or the future go... "