Monaco The world of decadents. Up until recently, I thought Monaco was part of France. Being called part of the “French” Riveria I was naïve to the fact it is its own country! Besides the Vatican, it is the smallest country in the world, only .90 square miles long. Monaco is famous as a tax haven; it claims to have no personal income tax and low business taxes. Over 30% of the residents are millionaires. It is also famous for the Grand Prix. The Monaco Grand Prix is not only of the most glamorous race, it is also one of the oldest, as the event was first held back in 1929. -Drivers must change gears a staggering 54 times per lap. Monte Carlo is THE casino that many have heard of. Placed in the center of Monaco, tourist flock to peek inside during the day and celebrities go at night to gamble and be seen. The marina is one of the most expensive places to moor your super-yacht... super yachts are only seen here. Off-peak season is roughly $4200 a night. During peak, season owners are looking at upwards of $100,000 for a five-night stay at the marina.
Knowing all this before my venture to this elaborate petite paradise jungle for the wealthy of the wealthiest, I was still taken abac by all the glitter and glam. Riding on the city bus that dropped me off ... I felt insignificant, small. Analyzing my emotions around standing on this “sacred” ground I realized that I didn't feel unimportant as I did “unimpressed”. I once loved and dreamed of labels, money, and expensive sports cars. I dreamed of drinking champagne on my super yacht. I don’t feel this pull any longer. I longed for my lush outdoors, crisp mornings wearing flannel and a beanie.
I simply felt out of place. I watched as the young “kids” my own son’s age laughed, drinking their scotch, in the Monte Carlo bar and couldn’t help but smile. We all have our world of happiness and I’m so grateful I have found mine. A world of love... something a superyacht, sports car and/or all the drinks in the world could never supply or replace for me... If you get a chance to go to Monaco... GO! It is something to see. It IS beautiful, royal and full of history and you may just learn a thing about yourself while you are there...