I don't know about you but never heard of this word two years ago.Covid hit and it hit hard, 24 months ...unfathomable how much it would change my life... change the world. I poo pooed the idea of wearing a mask, belly laughed at salons closing down. Air travel suspended, unlikely I assumed. All these scenarios and more became a reality. Salons DID close down, travel halted and I more than sighed. I became depressed. Both income sources done... I started to view my life through a looking glass. My four walls became very small. I ran out of jig saw puzzles, books to read and quite frankly the news scared and made me increasingly sad. I decided not to run through the rabbit hole of misery. I didn't want to gain the "Covid 15" (Pounds) , I missed my friends, my family. So I prayed.. then I pivoted. What a better time then now to take up running. But wait! I HATE running. After running marathons and half marathons a decade ago, I told myself "NEVER AGAIN". I went easy on myself (and legs) and decided to do it not to train but to get the heck out of the house. I fell in LOVE!Salons slowly, with many weird and crazy restrictions opened back up. It was like my first day on the job again. I feel in LOVE with my career and clients all over again... day after day. My appreciation level was through the roof. I wanted to hug each and every person walking through the salon door. But I did not dare! COVID! I was smiling big smiles under my double mask. I was the happiest I had every been.I pivoted and took a crap situation and learned from it. I learned to appreciate more, grow bigger and love greater.Yes, COVID sucks! It sucks donkey balls! With all the sickness, dying and what I call "Covid Roulette" ... not knowing if and when. All the political divide causing the break down of family and friends...I know I can NOT control the situation but I can control my reaction to it ... and I choose PEACE and HAPPINESS, even if this means just going for a long run and appreciating the days I have left here on this earth..*Thank you to all those that supported me and my business through these uncharted waters. I will forever remember and be grateful