I have a friend who recently admitted she has put on weight.I considered this.I looked at her newly created womanly curves.I couldn't help but admire how gorgeous she was.She looks like a Renaissance painting.The woman at the store sheepishly told me she slept in.I smiled and exclaimed, "Good for you!"She is a single mother, grinding every day.She needs her rest.A woman wept in church, beside herself for the sins she had committed.I wish she could see that we ALL have sinned.We all are human.My dear daughter-in-law is upset she didn't make her goals at work.I am proud of all she is doing.I wish she could see the impact she has on those around her.My elderly mother tells me she wants to be young, frustrated, wishing the lines on her face didn't exist.I adore her wrinkles, these lines I can almost visualize when and where she received them.She far wiser than she knows.All these conversations I have with the surrounding women in my life.The beautiful, internally strong, courageous, worn down but keeping getting up... women.I wish they could absorb what I say in their time of self-doubt. Really understand how they look to the world.What I wish for the most is... I wish I could have the inter-dialogue to talk with myself the way I do to these women.