Anytime You Want To Feel Love, Simply Share Yours

There was a time in my life I felt alone.My house was silent and it was just me.Careful what you wish for, you might just get it …These words rang true for me.I wished to be alone, all alone and single.In the blink of an eye, I found myself divorced, my son moved away and my dog died.All in a month’s time.I was alone and very “unloved”, or so I felt.I heard a wise man say once that you get what you tolerate.I couldn’t tolerate the quietness.I needed to go out and “reinvent” myself.Find a new tribe.I was shyI was scaredBut I was strong.I thought about the cute guy I had a crush on,I asked him out… something I have never done…Asked a boy out.He said YES with delight.I reached out to a friend I hadn’t seen in some time.We started going on weekly walks around our neighborhood.I joined a club that I was interested in.I wanted to start going to church again, so I did.It took a few months to graduate from sitting shyly in the back to the middle rows, singing out loud instead of lip-synchingI opened myself to love with love.I called my parents more.I FaceTimed with my brother on a weekly basis.I drove to see my sonBefore I realized it my house was no longer quiet.I wasn’t even home that oftenTaking a brave first step forward and showing people that I am full of love and want to share it came back to me… They shared their love.I felt loved because I WAS.


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