Blog For my Brides
Things to consider on your day1. Narrow down that lip color.. please! Last time I checked I have roughly 45 lipsticks, 27 lip glosses, 23 lip stains and various mixes of my own creations. So when I ask “ What are you thinking as far as lip shade” and a bride says “ oh I don’t know.. “… please, red, pink,orange.. throw me a bone as far as what will make your day! And know… yes! It will kiss, eat and drink off… have a color that matches as a back up or … don’t kiss, eat or drink all night… ( that was a joke!)2. Know that things may go wrong that are out of your control. Tomorrow you will be married. This is the finish line… The most elegant of brides are ones that handle the stresses of the day with poise, remembering it is about becoming a Mrs. ..not a Princess .3.Book ahead … way ahead! Vendors are getting booked 8 months to a years in advance. My heart bleeds for these brides that call, email asking me for referrals because I am booked and I don’t know of anyone to send them too.4. Please read your contract! It is so difficult to point out things that are in a contract time and time again , looking like the “bad” guy when it comes down to payment issues or cancelation policy etc. I LOVE LOVE LOVE what I do but of course it also has feasibility5. Be reasonable when picking out hair and makeup. Pinterest is a great tool but not if your hair is chin length, your wedding is in 6 months and you want to look like a Kardashian. I have seen it all and done it all of it but it needs to come with a thorough consultation. I won’t take on a wedding without a trial. This is a must not only for me but for the Bride. The picture may look great on print but not so great on them and it’s so important to figure this out ahead of the big day!6. Remember that EVERYONE gets the jitters. It’s the biggest step of your life. Sharing space with one person forever is the biggest commitment anyone can make. And guess what… the jitters will creep up after the wedding from time to time. It’s called marriage. Marriage takes work. You may not like that he watches Dateline every night , he may get frustrated that you get annoyed when spoken to while on the computer ( my own personal reflection)… but LOVE is like a good piece of fish… you consume the delicious meat and spit out the bones… meaning remember the reason why you love each other and deal with the dumb stuff.7. Don’t kill yourself by trying to look your very best on your wedding day! ( Or what you think should be your best )I personally don’t understand this… Women that go to the gym, lose 20 lbs, laser hair remove everything, spray tan into 8 shades darker, etc… don’t get me wrong… ladies.. PLEASE for the love of God… wax your eyebrows!! (makes my job so much easier!!) but why drastically change who you? The person he proposed to , The person he will be married to.It makes me scratch my head a little… He loves you for who you are… love that person, embrace it and just enhance it a little…8.MOST IMPORTANT: remember that you won’t remember saving $20, $30 even maybe $100 on hair and makeup. It kills me every time I hear that my travel fee is too much. Which really boils down to about $30 to the most $60. I believe that photography, hair and makeup and the dress is the most important things to spend money on. Most brides spend more money on their shoes then their hair and makeup.. Shoes no one will see, remember and will be taken off. Hair and makeup will be seen, important for photography and remembered. It is very important to LOVE your vendors … even if it’s just a few dollars more.9. And know it is an honor to be apart of your day. I hope I can speak for every hair and makeup artist... To be there during the biggest day of your life... doing, what I feel is the most important job. To be there for you... it truly is breath taking... for ME! xoxox*photo by Cast + Forge Photography