Confidence in an Eyelash Curler

Some of you may or may not know what this is... it is an eyelash curler. To me it is a reminder of self confidence. Recently I was doing a bride who was a Neurosurgeon. To be quite honest, I was intimidated by her and her vast wealth of prestige, smarts, what I felt was superior statue. Until I pulled out this... she had never seen one, let alone used it before. I was honored to show her. You see... I have learned just recently we all are equal.. I felt for most of my life scared and I realized most of us maybe feel this way also.. it's okay to be authentic, be real... be our age! Love! Love our selves. It does NOT matter, education or wealth or trials or afflications... it matters on the grace we handle these things and the grace we show others, including ourselves. XOXO 


Blog For my Brides


Make~up Trends for Spring of 2017