Speaking of change.... I cut bangs AGAIN and love them. I love change.
If you need a change or are feeling in a funk... let's come up with a plan.
Let's chat! I am sure you will feel like a new person!
" A Girl That Changes Her Hair Is About To Change Her Life". CoCo Chanel!

I did have a chance to sneak away for my birthday. Venturing down the California coast we ran into lots of weather patterns, from fog and mist in San Fran to record-breaking heat in LA.

While in Cali, I was able to see and visit some of my favorite places.
I took my sweetie to Alcatraz. He had not been before and loved the history behind this mysterious island. I got to meet with the oldest living person who was a prisoner here.
William G Baker #1259. I chatted with him while he signed the book he recently wrote.

We headed out of San Fran after just 48 hours and landed in Monterey.
This area of the U.S. can easily be captioned as my favorite. I LOVE the abundance of marine wildlife, the kick-back lifestyle, and of course the Aquarium! My happy place. I can envision myself going every week if I lived here.
If you haven't been... it's a must!
We also traveled to Santa Cruz, walking the boardwalk and eating out on the pier, Cambria and toured Hearst Castle, Topanga, CA... stopping by Disneyland for my birthday and ending our trip spending some time in Malibu, Santa Monica, and Beverly Hills.

But as I say every time I come home... it's soooo great to be back!
It makes me appreciate the home I have, the fresh meals we eat that we prepare ourselves, and all my friends and family.
I can't wait to catch up with y'all!
Now that I AM home, I am sure that the holidays will be here in a blink of an eye...
Only 5 weeks until Halloween, 9 weeks until Thanksgiving and 13 weeks until Christmas!
The time is now to set up all your future appointments up until the New Year.
My calendar is
up to date on the dates and times I am working so hop onto my online booking at
If you don't see an opening that works, please reach out and I will try my best to accommodate.
This is probably the best time in this blog to mention:
4 years ago on the 20th I brought home the cutest, littlest assistant, puppy, baby girl, lover of giving kisses, and keeper of major real estate of my heart.
Place give her a big "Happy Bday" when you see her in the salon and I am sure she will be elated!
A couple of last things to mention:
The election is only days away.
Whoever you are supporting please remember to VOTE!
This is your right as an American and shouldn't be taken for granted.
Also, know that whoever you vote for does not change the fact we all should love each other, show compassion for one another and remember that we all have our struggles that we battle inside our minds and hearts.
Unless of course The Yankees go to The World Series... then all bets are off... GO YANKS!
Due to the political climate we are in, I find limiting my social media is best for my mental health.
I do have a few exceptions:
Sewing videos on Instagram. (Don't ask... My reasoning: I've just gotten this old!)
The Kardashians. ( yup, I LOVE all of them. I'm fascinated with just looking at them... )
Britney Spears!!! Her Instagram page just kills me. I know, I know... she's probably not in a healthy mindset but I just can't get enough of her daily dance videos.
Anywhoooo: I might take to social media on a routine basis again this winter but in the meantime, I still love writing these blog posts... and really hope you enjoy reading them.
Happy Fall! Let's make the end of this year a strong one! Be kind to others, including first to yourself!
Dawn Marie