Summer Plans for 2024!
Happy Summer!This will be my last newsletter for the summer 2024!I will be heads down slaying hair and other various things that keep me cray cray busy.*Book now for all summer appointments as they are going quickly.I will be gone for most of September!I will be driving the California coast, hitting many beaches and tourist attractions, and popping into Disneyland for my birthday!Summer is half gone and like I have said numerous times... it goes by like a blink of an eye!We are almost ready to submit our plans to The City Of Seattle for our rebuild... which is extremely exciting! Working with a structural engineer and architect has us heads down reviewing for anything we may need to change or don't think is appropriate. This process has taken us over a year... and this is before breaking ground.To keep me "grounded", I have been sewing !!Over two decades of not creating anything on a sewing machine... I am OBSESSED. My hubby catches me eyeballing videos of creators creating gorgeous things on the internet... calling it my "sewing porn". Jumping on to my grandmother's 1960's Singer, I am creating my own styles. I commit at least one hour to sewing a day which quickly can turn into the whole day on several occasions.If you want to donate to my "habit" please reach out... I will gladly take any and all sewing fabrics, notions, tools, or education.My ultimate goal is to create a memory quilt of all my daughter's baby clothes that are stashed away under my house....After a couple of years of researching perimenopause, not happy with the weight gain I put on and other annoying symptoms... I have found a solution (right for me). Having a blood clotting disorder, I am not able to go on hormones of any kind. Doctors seemed to still be scratching their heads on menopause topics!Here are a few of the things that have allowed my body to shed some pounds slowly, give me back my energy and sleep well at night.1. Fasting ( only eating from 9-6 during the day). Cutting out all snacking during the evening.2. Cardio in the morning before breakfast ( even just a short run or wall pilates app)3. Cutting out carbs after 3 PM4. Not eating popcorn, a snack I have come to love and use to eat daily5. Water water and more water. I drink soooo much water daily, upping my intake to at least a contigo size HOURLY.6. No alcoholThis all seems simple but can be hard to do daily. It works for me (for now) and hope this info can help some of you that have, are, or will be going through perimenopause ... 50% of the population :)Please reach out if you would like more details on what I eat and when! I'm happy to help in any way I can....
I recently have had questions on how to grow hair out or make your beautiful head of hair healthier. Here is a list of things that are a must-do (or don't)1. Shampoo less. This does take some getting used to. Not only just the thought of not washing your hair but also your scalp needs to adjust... Try going a day longer month by month. Use dry shampoo if your hair gets oily. Shampooing less not only saves money but also the natural oils needed to protect your cuticle layer2. Gingerly comb out hair from ends to scalp. Please Please Please do not start from scalp to ends. This will rip the hair and may cause more of a mess, especially after shampooing or sleeping.3. Long to medium hair: Wear a top knot at night during sleep. The friction from the pillow can disturb your cuticle hair and cause knots and damage.4. Avoid using too much product in the hair. Use just enough to create the style you desire. Too much product can attract pollution in the air and also create oil and dirt... needing for overwashing.5. Get trims! It isn't a myth that hair grows faster if trimmed routinely. The reason is: that once the hair starts to split on the ends it will continue to split making it unhealthy looking and the need for more length to come off during the salon visit.
I think that is all I have time for today... off to do "busy" things ( I am still loving writing my blogs and photographing any chance I can!)Please make your appointments soon.. even after I return from Califonia in late Sept if you haven't already..Much much love! xo