My Motivators

Everyone needs a mentor.  Whether its someone you meet face to face on a regular basis or that you study from a far.  My mentor that I can contact is Gene Juarez! At the youngin' age of 17, I started Advance Training for his company and then went on to work in his salons for 16 years!  I can honestly say I grew up there.  He taught me so much not only about hair, but human behaviors, culture and business.  He retired the year I left ( one of the reasons for my departure) but I can still call on him when I want... and he responds quickly.  This to me is the perfect mentor.I do have SEVERAL mentors, motivated leaders in the category of "life".  These people are spearheading the trajectory of what I define as happiness in life and career.  Below are the ones I listen to on a daily basis , whether it being their audiobook as I take my daily walks at sunrise, looking at their Instagram feed for a quick fix of inspiration or plugging into their podcast as I do my hair and makeup.  The order has no rhyme or reason.  They all are phenomenal in their own way.  All different in style and conveying information,  lead me in the direction I want to be going towards .

  1. Marianne Williamson: She has written 13 books, including 4 that were number one of the NY bestselling list. My favorite is  A Return to Love , where she is quoted “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. "
  2. Gabby  Bernstein: Honestly she is the one that turned me on to Marianne Williamson.( See above )  Both study "A Course In Miracles" . A book published in 1976 containing curriculum that assists in spiritual transformation, students that are looking for inner peace. I personally found Gabby when I was looking for a "Super Soul" talk hosted by Oprah.  Her talk on "The Universe Has Your Back" really resonated with me. Which says for itself " The Universe DOES have my back...". It propelled me to listen to her audiobook by the same name, then on to " Judgement Detox", "Spirit Junkie" and "May Cause Miracles".  She takes a modern approach a lot of us can relate with.
  3. Gary "Vee" ( Vaynerchuck):  He is a hard hitting, no holding back, relatable entrepreneur.  Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook ... His 4th written book out of nine takes a hard look on  how to connect with clients, guest, customers... whatever you want to call your audience.  He breaks down on WHY you need a "why" and looking at things from your "people's" perspective . His Instagram is always being updated... I mean he personally is always posting... so if you need a quick fix, this is someone to follow on social media.
  4. Tony Robbins:  If you've never heard of Tony... where exactly are you in the world??  I had the privilege of going to a Tony Robbins talk about 2 and half years ago.  ( This is where I heard about Gary Vee, who was a quest speaker). Tony is on the 100 list for Worth Magazine.  He has grown his net worth to over $500 Million.  His rags to riches story is inspiring.
  5. Mel Robbins: Her Ted Talk about The 5 Second Rule (no, it's NOT an inspiring piece about food dropped on the floor) , breaks the power of motivation in just 5 Second intervals in your life.
  6. Rachel Hollis:  Girl Wash Your Face became an addiction to me! No seriously , Ive listen to it on audiobook about 8 times in 6 months.  It boils down to common sense girl talk that we all need to hear sometimes or in my case... weekly.  Her new book "Girl Stop Apologizing just around February of this year and I was afraid I would be let down after the amazing response I gave her other book... NOPE! It's just as GREAT!
  7. Brendon Burchard: This guy here is really motivated me to stop being stagnant and start Seattle Bride Hair.  His books Motivation Manifesto and The Charge reminded me that there is only ONE person in charge of my life... ME. ( Well God if we are being honest). He is a high performance coach with a tag line of " Live Love Matter!"
  8. BRENE BROWN...  I mean you guys, this won't be a true motivator list without mentioning the Queen of Research on human behavior such as all things "uncomfortable", shame, vulnerability and courage.  She is a licensed master in social work. Her groundbreaking Ted Talk on the power of vulnerability has over 39 MILLION views... changing her life and MINE. It still remains the #1 Ted Talk nine years later.  Her books, 13 in all having fantastic words of wisdom on becoming your true authentic self, which leads to a great, happy life. So this is just a "few" of the people I look to on a DAILY, almost hourly basis for running MY ship.

    There are soooo many more such as Oprah ( of course), Wayne Dyer, Shawn Anchor, Dave Ramsey ( GREAT FINANCIAL HELP!!), John Maxwell (Minute with Maxwell), Arianna Huffington... etc. etc.  The list could go on and on but finding YOUR perfect fit is almost like finding the perfect partner... there's so many people out there, make sure they inspire and lift YOU up!

    I truly hope this blog helps any and all of you start and finish your day successfully just by taking a few moments and plugging into some positive words of wisdom on how to live life better... isn't that what we are are striving for?

    Much much LOVE and happiness... xoxo


Wedding Day Timeline according to Yours Truly... Hair and Makeup!


Prom HAIR... Picking a style!