Photography by Patrick Robinson . Time and time again... Breathtaking !
Copyright ® 2019 by Patrick Robinson - Used with permissionI moved to West Seattle in 1998. Upon my arrival I was stricken by the pure , "take my breath away" beauty of this small beach community I really knew nothing about. Every single day for 17 years I breathed in the sea, delighted with the quintessential Pacific Northwest surroundings right in my very back yard. I took snapshots in my head knowing that my ability behind a camera could NEVER capture what was in front of me in real life. I don't recall when I stumbled across Patrick Robinson and his photos , I can tell you it has been years ago but... he illustrates this gorgeous piece of paradise perfectly. His photos look like water colors, oil paintings, works of art... not simply "photos". They in themselves are breath taking. When I view his images I smile with awe that he can capture what looks like real time and am saddened that I "missed" out on what is happening in the photo. I look up to him and his art so incredibly that I hesitated to reach out, asking him if I could write this blog. Intimidated ( which I rarely am) by his presence in the community, his name and simply because I know we all are busy... he must be "too busy" for me... but I remembered that not only is he a pillar in the community, extremely talented, he is ALSO a very nice man. Sure enough... he replied right away, happy to give of his time. Please check out his work... It will suck you in and leave you happy! Promise!
Copyright ® 2019 by Patrick Robinson - Used with permissionName:Patrick RobinsonName of your businessPatrick Robinson MediaWhat do you specialize in?photographs that celebrate the worldHow long have you been in business?Since I was twelveWhat made you want to do what you do?(What is your “why”)I took pictures in elementary school, then junior high, high school, college and in my first working years. Since my family owned the West Seattle Herald and other newspapers was tasked with taking photos for the papers. I went on to win several statewide awards. I changed jobs and stopped seriously taking photos for about 17 years. Then started again with the advent of digital photography. I posted some photos on social media and people began to respond, telling me the photos lifted their spirits and helped them will illness or depression. For me.. that's enough.Where do you see yourself in Five years?Doing more photos, larger images, and more shows around the area.Tell me a story that sticks out in your mind that you encountered on the job ( can be funny, heart felt, mind blowing… whatever comes to mind)
I've been out taking pictures and people have come up to me asking, "Are you Patrick Robinson?" which always surprises me because it makes me think I'm some sort of minor celebrity... even though I don't think I deserve it.. so I have to laugh. |
If you didn’t do this, what would you do instead and why?I'd be a lyricist writing songs.Copyright ® 2019 by Patrick Robinson - Used with permissionWhat is your advice to potential clients about your business?
I don't work like that per se.. I just take pictures. But not weddings. |
What do you recommended for a smooth interaction with your business?Call me.Do you have a mentor or inspiration?
Many many many from Henri Cartier Bresson, to Imogen Cunningham, to Maxfield Parrish, to Ansel Adams, and many more. |
What is your favorite quote ?The impossible just takes longer. What makes your business stand out from others?Hopefully the fact that I understand that it's not me doing it but that I have the ability to open myself to the flow of the infinite.
Copyright ® 2019 by Patrick Robinson - Used with permission If you would like to contact Patrick please email him :
Check out more of his STUNNING work at: