Words Are Infinite

Going back to journals of my past. I read an entry from when I was a teen. November 13th, 1989."Well, it's finally happening. The Berlin Wall was taken down after 28 years of communist power. These people are free."I am stricken by the power of this statement I wrote at the tender age of 16. Did I know what a pivotal point this would be?Now at the age of 51, I am finally sitting down to put my thoughts and emotions "out there" into the world. Rather than into a journal for loved ones to read after I pass on. I can finally say out loud that I AM a writer.It is a liberating feeling. I have always been a writer in my heart. It is confirmed as I read back on the many different diaries and journals I have kept over the years in my safe, safely stored away.To write is like taking photos as a photographer. Capturing emotion and time. To reflect back on as days pass by. To reread is sometimes...hopefully, more times than not to heal and to learn.To sit down and write is not only such a thrill for me but also a fear. I want to ALWAYS write something powerful. Something so profound that the reader exclaimed "YES!" at least once during their time on my page.November 13th, 1989... The Berlin entry. I wish I could have shared this with the world. All the time between then and now. All the ink and paper that could have been shared makes me smile and sad.I lay awake at night now as I travel down this road. This wide road I call "writing". Exciting for all my future "entries". All the dialog, conversations, opinions, and topics to throw out there and share with my writing. I hope you will venture with me...


Outliving Our Children. The Club No One Wants To Be In


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